
Vergeet niet te stemmen op de vraag van de week!



Gestart door Chris.B, maart 04, 2005, 21:59:08 PM

Vorige topic - Volgende topic


shadowops is een online strategie spel die je zo ff tussen door kan spelen
het doel van dit spel is om jezelf te ontwikkelen tot een machtige rijk doormiddel van oorlog voeren en connecties met andere spelers te cre?ren
de site is



In welke tijd speelt het zich af?


Citaat van: aloauithawai op maart 04, 2005, 21:59:08 PM
shadowops is een online strategie spel die je zo ff tussen door kan spelen
het doel van dit spel is om jezelf te ontwikkelen tot een machtige rijk doormiddel van oorlog voeren en connecties met andere spelers te cre?ren
de site is

Ik zal me er binnenkort eens aanmelden en mijn mening over geven




ShadowOps is, for want of better words, simply put a war game set in space. You and your friendly companions will fight your way through the alliances, to other systems, and sectors. With the ever present (BOTS) hanging over your head.

Make no mistake fellow players, what sounds so simple, is in effect hard to achieve. As not only you are striving for greatness, so are the other players.

You may attack other players, actually you are encouraged to do so, but be careful, you may attack your enemy one day, but he may attack you the next, weakening you both for the ever present (BOTS) to attack both of you. Simply put, be careful who and when you attack, or you may find yourself on the receiving end rather quickly.

There are 29 joinable systems, each of them usually has the same players every round that join and try once again to be the best. This encourages war and conflict all round every round of ShadowOps



dit is alle info die echt van belang is

The year is 3454 the day on the earth system is Thursday. You are bringing your ship into the highly defended SOL system, home system of the humans, main planet, earth. There are a lot of battleships and cursers patrolling the system due to the HIGH alert status since the beginning of the galactic war.

The galactic war had now been going on for 4 earth years. Millions of lives had been lost from the alliance of humans and other organic races VS the alliance of AI (Artificial Intelligence) but the discovery of ancient artefacts on a previously uncharted system had possibly finally turned the war around. Scientists on a distant planet had found the remains of an ancient city with plans for special weapons. The information for these missiles had been sent to a battle-base not far from SOL and roomer had it that hundreds of thousands of these missiles had been constructed.

Great protests had begun to stop the use of these terrible missiles that could in fact destroy us all. But it was too late. You noticed on your scanners something zoom past your ship, just meters away, but it disappeared. It was only visible at extreme close range but instantly you knew it was a missile hidden by an invisibility device. You alerted earth command and immediately used the jump gates to exit the system just as you entered the event horizon u saw it happen. The sun went bright blue, and then a dark red all over and suddenly exploded engulfing the defensive battle fleet, the earth space ring and mother hearth herself it continued its way to the gates and you jumped out just in time to avoid the wave but was thrown out of the worm whole mid stream not far from earth. Minutes later you could see the explosion of the star where earth once was and then nothing. The system had been destroyed.

You headed to the battle base at maximum speed to notice hundreds of thousands if not even millions of missiles using in-built jump systems to hit their targets. The galaxy was about to end. Thousands of stars exploded in every system controlled by the AI and they somehow had the same missiles and the same thing happened to the systems occupied by bio life forms.

The next day space was dark. Few stars could be seen and then the beginning of the greatest battle began. The remains of both side's fleets met just outside an asteroid field where you had taken refuge. Hundreds of thousands of ships fought for 76 hours until none where left. This was it. The end of all.

All comm. Channels seem to be dead; everyone had gone to fight the last battles. All you had was your cargo. And your ship. You returned to where Sol once stood to find useful debris. Several other ships finally arrived and together u began construction of a small outpost. Knowing that there must be others out there. And knowing that somewhere, the primary AI would still be intact, you immediately began preparations to defend yourself. All that remained was Infinite Space and Shadows. No more stars to light the space, no more planets to colonize just the infinite Shadows of dark space.

Your task is simple; to build your kingdom, help defend your system and other kingdoms within it. And ensure victory over any who may oppose you



er is een probleem met de server dus de kans dat is dat de site het niet doet

dit probleem komt omdat de site net op een nieuwe server omdat de oude gehakt is dit overhaast verwisselen van server heeft een aantal problemen mee gebracht die nu merkbaar zijn



is het een textbased game?





textbased zijn meestal wel leuk maar na een paar weken begin ik zel altijd saai te vinde omdat et de hele tijd hetzelfde is, das egt jmr  :-\


ik ben echt verslaafd aan het spel en ik speel het al een half jaar
omdat alles steeds overmieuw begint na 1500 uur dat houd het voor mij leuk



dan wordt het toch gewoon saai?


dat zouden een aantal mensen niet vinden en een aantal mensen wel vinden
maar runescape dat heeft het zelfde als het ware daar zou het ook eentonig worden



Hoe bedoel je dat?
Bedoel je als je langer besig ben dan wordt het saai?
Maar als je steeds het zelfde opnieuw moet doen dan heeft het toch helemaal geen doel meer?