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de PS3 en de Xbox 360

Gestart door Chris.B, maart 15, 2005, 15:11:30 PM

Vorige topic - Volgende topic

welke console zou je willen hebben als ie nu uit zou komen met deze specs

xbox 2
8 (66.7%)
ps 3
4 (33.3%)

Totaal aantal stemmen: 10


dit zijn de voorals nog bekende dingen van de ps3 en xbox 2

xbox 2
cpu : IBM PowerPC (3 kernen elk 3,5 Ghz)
Grafische chip : ATI R500 (minimaal 500 MHz. kloksnelheid)
Geheugen : waarschijnlijk 256 MB; DDR2-ram
Geluid : 6-8 kanaals (DTS, Dolby Digital)
Aansluitingen : USB 2, lan evuenteel w-lan
Opslag : HD-DVD, harde schijf

ook zal de xbox2 herkend worden als een pc in je netwerk en het besturingsysteem zal afgeleid zijn van windows longhorn

cpu : 2-4 Cell-cpu's met ieder met 2,5 tot 5 ghz
Grafische chip : wordt geproduceerd door Nvidia meer nog niet bekend
Geheugen : waarschijnlijk 256 ; XDR-RAM
Geluid : 6-8 kanaals (DTS, Dolby Digital)
Aansluitingen : lan ,w-lan ,breedband-modem
Opslag : blu-ray ,vermoedelijk geen harde schijf maar geheugen sticks

van beide consoles is het uiterlijk niet bekend als er  wijzegingen zijn zal ik deze doorvoeren zelf ga ik vooralsnog voor de ps3




Xbox 2, want een groot voordeel is de harde schijf.
Maar misschien zal later de processor ook wel een rol spelen. Maar stem ik nog op Xbox 2


x-box 2 omdat ik moet kiezen  ;) maar eigenlijk worden het steeds meer pc's want er komt een hd in, een muis en toetsenbord enz, alleen een groot nadeel is hij is niet up te graden, je kan er niet ff een nieuwe videokaart in stoppen, PC RULEZZZ !!!!  ;D


Citaat van GameSpy:

The Guts of the Next Box

# CPU - Xenon's CPU has three 3.0 GHz PowerPC cores. Each core is capable of two instructions per cycle and has an L1 cache with 32 KB for data and 32 KB for instructions. The three cores share 1 MB of L2 cache. Alpha 2 developer kits currently have two cores instead of three.

# GPU - Xenon's GPU is a generation beyond the ATI X800. Its clock speed is 500 MHz and it supports Shader 3.0. Developers are currently working with an alpha 2 GPU. Beta GPU units are expected by May and the final GPU is slated for a summer release. The final GPU will be more powerful than anything on the market today; in game terms, it would handle a game like Half-Life 2 with ease.

# System Memory - Xenon will have 256 MB of system RAM. Keep in mind that this number should not be equated to typical PC RAM. The Xbox has 64 MB of system RAM and is a very capable machine.

# Optical Drive - As many have speculated, Xenon will not use Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. Games will come on dual-layer DVD-9 discs. While the media is the same as that of the current Xbox, the usable space on each disc is up to 7 GB. The drive is slated to run at 12X.

# Memory Units - Xenon will use 64 MB to 1,024 MB memory cards. 8 MB is reserved for system use, leaving a 56 MB to 1,016 MB for user data.

# Hard Drive - As many have speculated, Xenon's hard drive is optional. 2 GB of the drive will be used as game cache. The final drive size is still being determined.

# Camera - Xenon will have a USB 2.0 camera. It's capable of 1.2 megapixel still shots and VGA video. Photos can be used in-game and for gamer profiles. The camera can also be used for video chat. It's unknown if the Xenon camera will allow for EyeToy-like gameplay. Developers are currently using a simulated camera driver.

# Sound Chip - Xenon does not have an audio chip in the traditional sense. Decompression is handled by hardware, while the rest of the chores are handled by software. DirectSound3D has been dropped in favor of X3DAudio. The former was deemed too inflexible.

The Software

Microsoft is requiring developers to make all Xenon titles Live enabled. One of the key reasons for this will be revealed in the second part of this story.

Developers are being instructed to plan their games for high-definition. The baseline is 720p at 1280x720 for gameplay and video clips, 16:9 aspect ratio, 5.1 Surround Sound, and anti-aliasing. These features are the current minimum requirement.

All Xenon games can be played using custom soundtracks. Owners can also play their own music directly. Supported formats are MP3 and WMA. Files can be encoded up to 320Kbps CBR or VBR stereo. The system is branded a Music Player Service.

For gameplay movies, Xenon uses Xenon Motion Video (XMV). XMV is based on Windows Media 9 and uses the mandatory codec for HD-DVD. The goal for video is 720p running at 30 frames per second with 5.1 Surround Sound.

Microsoft Supports Profiling

Whether the games are single player or multiplayer, all Xenon titles tie into a new gamer profile feature. Think of it as a universal profile for each gamer that uses the system; the gamer profiles are the player's single identity across all Xenon games. Similar to how a single Windows XP machine can be set up for multiple users, each Xenon system will house profiles for every gamer it serves. This feature is fantastic for households with multiple gamers, since each player's settings can be saved in his or her profile and selected when the system boots.

The system is very flexible. You're able to choose universal settings while making exceptions for individual games. You can set your profile to automatically set inverted controls and yellow uniforms if that's your preference, but if for some reason you prefer to play Splinter Cell with a standard look and orange uniforms you can change the setting for just that title.

The settings are available online and offline. System settings can be brought up in every Xenon title. The profile is also where you make your privacy and opt-in selections.

The profile also records achievements and something dubbed "Gamer Cred." Achievements are game-specific tasks, such as beating a certain boss or completing a level in a certain amount of time. Achievements can be awarded online and offline; the baseline is for every game to award at least five achievements. Gamer Cred is how much you're awarded for each achievement. The more games you play and the better you do, the more Gamer Cred you'll earn. Microsoft's is suggesting that developers award at least 1000 Gamer Cred points per title.

Parents will be pleased to learn that the profile system includes extensive parental controls and privileges. The system lets parents decide what games their kids are allowed to play, as well as if their children are allowed to share their profile and chat with other players. Software controls allow parents to select multiplayer restrictions.

Last, but not least, is the" Gamer Card." Think of it as an at-a-glance gamer profile. The Gamer Card allows other online players to quickly see another's Gamertag, title, Gamer Creds, reputation rating, gamer zone, country, and title. It's a virtual membership card that helps gamers find people to play with. If you think you've found a match then you can select the Gamer Card to view that player's full profile to make sure.

It will be easier than ever for players to communicate with others on Xenon. Players no longer need to create custom message centers for each game. The message center manages player-to-player messages, friend invites, game invites, open P2P messaging, service-to-player messages, and title-to-player messages. Players can also communicate via voice and video chat.

All online multiplayer games are required to have social and ranked matches. Social matches rely on affiliate list tracking. Each player can be in contact with 1500 others, including friends, recent players, and preferred players.

Downloads will be managed from a central system user interface. They will appear as offers to the player in a download marketplace. Free and premium downloads will be supported. Developers will be able to send players to the marketplace and notify them when new content is available.

As I mentioned when I was discussing the Gamer Card, other players can see your various profile stats quickly. One of the most pertinent stats to Live is player reputation. Players will be able to grade, compliment, and complain about other players. Reviews are tied to a player's own experience as well. It's unclear how the whole system will be policed. It's a great feature, but one that can be taken advantage of and seems difficult to arbitrate. The complaint system is managed by Microsoft customer service.

Misschien een beetje veel info... maar moet wel lukke denk ik!  :P ;D ;)


weet je ook nog wat er allemaal in staat? ???
ik geloof er niks van
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.



Citaat van: Curufinw? Telr?nya op maart 23, 2005, 14:06:05 PM
Ik zit op VWO dus.... :P
en ik nou op havo duzz snappen we dr samen niks van


zo had ik het ook kunne zegge... :P


xbox 3... miss eerst maar ff de xbox2


Miss gewoon de PC! VEEEEEEEEEL BETER! en handiger :P


PC RULEZZZZ !!! je kan er gewoon veel meer mee, download een emulator, koop een playstation spel en voila je kan et spele, als je goede emu hebt tenminste  ;)


Waarom da spel kopuh? je download da gewoon toch ??? :P


jah oke maar voor de niet adsllers onder ons en de mensen die tegen illegaal gamen zijn  ;)

~McDuck* heb gelijk  :-\